PADF Condemns Chief
Justice’s Suspension
Pakistan American Democratic
Forum (PADF), a US-wide organization of Pakistani-Americans
has condemned the “Military Ruler of Pakistan General
Pervaiz Musharraf for suspending the Chief justice of Pakistan
Honorable Iftikhar Chaudhry.” In a press statement,
the PADF stated: “PADF President Dr. Muhammad Ashraf
Toor has questioned President’s authority and the
underlying motives. PADF noted that General Musharraf himself
came in to power by violating the Constitution and did not
uphold the oath he took as an Army Officer.”
The PADF statement reads as follows:
“Pakistan American Democratic Forum condemns General
Pervaiz Musharraf in strongest terms, for suspending the
Chief Justice of Pakistan’s Supreme Court. PADF not
only questions his authority but also underlying motives.
PADF has noted that the Chief Justice had taken several
measures using his authority under Suo Motto to do the independent
investigations and inquiries whereas, the executive branch
of the government including President and Prime Minister,
either failed to take initiative to provide the justice
and the protection to the citizens of Pakistan, protect
the national assets and integrity of a civil society and
or to prosecute the law-breakers, as well as the gross corruption
and misconduct of the Musharraf government. It appears that
Chief Justice is being suspended in an unprecedented fashion
in retaliation of Chief Justice’s efforts to uphold
the independence of the Courts and Justice system, in providing
the protection of the law and maintaining the integrity
of a just and civil society.”
The Pakistan-American Democratic Forum is a US-wide grassroots
organization of Pakistani-Americans. It’s mission
is to 1) help restore 1973 Constitution and functioning
democracy in Pakistan, 2) help establish rule of law, due
process, equal justice, accountability, transparency, good
governance, women’s rights, minority rights, full
literacy and economic prosperity in Pakistan, 3) protect
and promote Pakistan’s vital interests in the United
States, 4) defend civil and human rights of non-immigrant
Pakistanis as well as Pakistani-Americans, 5) facilitate
development of socio-political institutions and citizen
efficacy, and 6) work for peace with justice in South Asia.