APPNA Partners with Saba
Trust/IEWS in Building Unique Orphanage in Pakistan

Left: Dr Abdul Rashid Piracha, Dr Nadim Qazi and Mr
Saghir Aslam |
Abdul Rashid Piracha, ex-President of the Association of Pakistani
Physicians of North America (APPNA) witnessed during his term
work on the construction of a one-of-a-kind orphanage and
was truly delighted. Dr Piracha later visited the site and
was extremely pleased with the fast pace and tremendous progress.
He duly complimented Saghir Aslam, Chairman of Saba Trust,
on the quality of construction, particularly the extra cement
and iron bars, which were used by the capable engineer-in-charge
of construction Colonel (Rtd.) Shuaib Ali Dogar.
Col. Dogar believes that they have designed the building to
be the safest InshAllah in Pakistan at considerable extra
expense as they are deeply conscious that many of the orphans
will live in it for a long time. Col. Dogar emphasizes that
many lives depend on the quality of the structure and they
want to make sure that they have nothing but the best building
for the orphans. This prompted Dr Piracha to say, “We,
APPNA, are delighted to be part of this unique institution.”
Piracha Sahib visited the site on several occasions and was
happy at the progress and quality of construction each time.
In early October, Dr Nadim Qazi, President APPNA, Tariq Cheema,
and Zeshan Piracha visited the orphanage building. It was
the blessed month of Ramadan. While walking through the building,
Dr Qazi was truly amazed with the quality of construction
and gleefully told Saghir Aslam: “We have truly outdone
Thanks to Dr Qazi’s efforts and the thorough evaluation
of the project by Dr. Saima Zafar the project soon had the
approval of the APPNA Board.
For years, APPNA has been working to help the underprivileged
in Pakistan. The Association was instrumental in helping the
October 8 earthquake victims in many ways. APPNA donated equipment,
supplies, and medical services to literally thousands of earthquake
victims and donated millions of Rupees worth of goods and
services. APPNA doctors provided their services and spent
time examining and treating the quake victims. Many APPNA
doctors, including ex-President Abdul Rashid Piracha and current
President Nadim Qazi, spent valuable time away from their
professional practices and their families for the love of
earthquake victims. They provided monumental humanitarian
Now APPNA is donating a magnificent orphanage which shall
render much needed services in the area. During his recent
visit APPNA President Nadim Qazi saw beautiful marble and
gorgeous tiles and had an entrancing view of Karang and Swan
River on one side and Marghla Hills on the other side. He
was truly impressed with everything, the quality of the construction,
materials used, location and the way the whole project turned
out to be.
Dr Nadim Qazi, Tariq Cheema and Zeshan Piracha, were presented
a small brochure by the Chairman of Saba Trust who explained
to them that the building will be much more than an orphanage.
“This is history in the making,” he said as the
building is one of a kind unique orphanage providing the best
services to the orphans that others would yearn to have. The
children will enjoy full support in terms of mentorship, recreational
facilities, and educational resources. The orphanage is being
established with the guidance of the Chairman’s beloved
brother in Islam, his teacher and his mentor, whom he loves
and adores, Br. Akram Chaudhry. Chaudhry has not only been
involved from day one, he actually gave the idea of this unique
institution when Saba Trust Chairman Saghir Aslam met with
him to launch the project.
Akram Chaudhry has not only visited the orphanage but he is
part of planning, part of construction monitoring and has
been helping Saghir Aslam on a regular basis. They communicate
regularly on the phone. Many of the unique qualities are based
on Akram Chaudhry’s vision. He is always coming up with
better ideas regarding how the orphans can be made to feel
at home and how they can be provided with top quality education.
The dreams of Bushra Aslam, the Chairman’s wife, and
Akram Chaudhry to help the orphans and provide them the best
of everything have finally come true and fit like a glove
in Saghir Aslam’s plans. Aslam has expressed the hope
that the next Jinnah will be born in the building. Now we
are delighted that every one’s dream foundation has
been built, solid and strong for the coming generations when
we will, inshAllah, see these orphans in the role of engineers,
doctors, scientists, teachers, and leaders of Pakistan who
will help transform Pakistan into the country envisioned by
Allama Iqbal and Mohammad Ali Jinnah. We all shall watch!
Let’s work together to make sure that this happens!
For more information about SABA TRUST/IEWS visit