6th Semi-Annual Convention of MQM USA
Pictures by YKKB

Pictures above: Glimpses of the MQM Convention in San Francisco
San Francisco, California: The MQM USA organized its 6th semi-annual convention, as per its tradition, in a newly announced unit of MQM USA, San Francisco.
First day First session: The first session of the first day of the 6th semi-annual convention of MQM USA was formally inaugurated by Nigraan e Aala, MQM North America, Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui on February 22, 2008 at 9 p.m. at a local hotel in San Jose. After the session was formally inaugurated, the member, central helping committee from California Saeed Khan thanked the participants of the convention. After Saeed Khan, the central organizer, MQM USA, Ajaz Siddiqi explained the purpose, aim, and goals of the convention. The session ended at dinner later that night.
Second day First session: The first session of the second day of the 6th semi-annual convention of MQM USA started with welcome notes by the MQM New York unit in charge Anwar Ahmed who also conducted the proceedings of the first session. After the welcome notes the units presented their reports for the last six months and their plans for their coming year. After the units, the members of the central organizing committee and the central organizer presented their performance reports to the Nigraan e Aala, MQM North America, Dr. Khalid Siddiqui. After the reports Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui addressed the participants of the convention. In his address he analyzed the current political situation of Pakistan after the last general elections, and explained the policies of MQM with reference to that.
The Nigraan e Aala at the end of his address announced the changes in the organizational structure of MQM USA.
Second Day Second Session: The second session of the second day was a public session and opened by Javeria Jawaid, which was followed by recitation of Holy Qur’an and Naat Shareef. The San Francisco unit in-charge Arshad Naqi thanked the attendees of the event and reiterated that San Francisco will do its best to propagate the philosophy of MQM. After the unit in-charge’s welcome note a visual presentation was played for the public showing the development in Karachi. After the visual presentation the central organizer Ajaz Sidiqi addressed the gathering and thanked the community for its support of MQM USA.
The mainstay of the event was the state-of-the-art address of Dr.Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui to the public. In his address he elaborated on the current political situation in Pakistan and MQM’s role from its inception till date. He said that MQM has a conviction of standing for the cause of justice and truth. He said if standing for these causes is sin and crime then MQM is the biggest sinner and criminal. He further said that whenever MQM opted to stay in government that was only a way to serve the public not the destination of MQM. He said that MQM is not a political party, it’s a movement, a movement to change the destiny of the 98% oppressed people of the country. He further added that it is very unfortunate that Pakistan, being one of the poorest nations, has the wealthiest army generals, politicians, and bureaucrats. He said MQM does not believe in politics of legacy, that’s why Quaid e Tehreek never gave any election ticket to his relatives. He insisted that the people of Pakistan and the community abroad should stand up and join hands with MQM in the cause of justice and truth.