Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi in San Diego

San Diego, CA: The fourth annual Jashan-e-Eid-e- Milad-un-Nabi was celebrated with religious fervor at the new hall of Thurgood Marshal Middle School on April 5, 2008. It was held was under the aegis of the late Khuda Bakash Rehmani Foundation and hosted by Tasneem and Ghulam Farooq Rehmani.
The Milad Sharif begain with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, a Hamade Bari Taala and Naat-e-Rasool Maqbool Sallalaho Elayhey Waalayhi Wasalim by Ghulam Farooq Rehmani. Soon after a spiritually moving naat khawni session began. The naats were presented by Tasneem F. Rehmani, Usman F. Rehmani, Zeshan F. Rehmani, Ain-ul-Farooq Rehmani. Qaseeda Burda Sharif was presented by Adil Khan. Mohammad Rashid from Riverside County presented naats in his melodious voice and moved the audience to ecstasy. Before the keynote speech the Rehmani family presented their usual their Rehmani Family Naat with the young and cute Arshia Farooq Rehmani very much involved in praising the beloved prophet Sallalaho Elayhey Waalayhi Wasalim in a captivating way: the audience was ecstatic throughout the awesome presentation.
The chief guest Hazarat Sheikh Sadullah Khan Sahib of Irvine then came to the podium and gave an outstanding keynote speech. He presented quotations from the Holy Qur’an in praise of our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). His was a brilliant discourse on the life of the Prophet and he admirably connected with the youth in his characteristic style and kept the audience spellbound.
After his scintillating address Salat-o-Salam was presented in Barghah-e- Mustafa Salalaho Elayhey Waaleyhi Wasalim followed by dua by Sheikh Sadullah Khan Sahib. After Salatul Magrib dinner was served.
The Rehmani family has expressed their gratitude to all those who participated in the blessed event. May Allah Karim reward all of them. “We extend our sincere thanks to Ehtisham and Zareen Bhabhi, Salma Zafar, Sohail Kamal, S.T. Hussain, Ali Ansari, Mohammad Rahim Khan, Dr. Adil and Tahira Abbasi and Safi khan for their help in arranging the event. May Allah Almighty bless them and reward them for their dedication and help. Ameen,” the family prayed.