Amjad Hussain Receives Communication and Leadership Award
Toledo, Ohio: Dr. S. Amjad Hussain, professor emeritus of thoracic cardiovascular surgery at the University of Toledo College of Medicine and an op-ed columnist for the Toledo Blade and Pakistan Link, has been selected as one of approximately 80 outstanding leaders throughout the world to receive the Toastmasters International Communication and Leadership award this fall.
The Communication and Leadership Award is presented to a community member who has demonstrated outstanding communication and leadership skills as defined by the over 110 Toastmasters clubs in Northwest Ohio, Southeast Michigan, and Southwestern Ontario. Dr. Hussain will receive his award at the Toastmasters District 28 Fall Conference on November 1, 2008 at the Clarion Hotel Westgate in Toledo, OH.
Dr. Hussain is being recognized for his contributions as an author, speaker, and community leader. He has brought a voice of reason to the often heated and partisan debate on geo-political and religious issues. In addition to his work for the Toledo Blade and Pakistan Link, he has written eight books on as diverse subjects as religion, history, and culture and contributes to a number of other publications. For more than 30 years Dr. Hussain has visited Pakistan annually to teach at Khyber Medical College. He has been a visiting professor to various institutions in Pakistan, China, Libya, India, and also in the US.
He is renowned for his exploration of the entire 1000 miles length of Indus River in Pakistan and also the source of the river in Kailash Mountains of Western Tibet.
Dr. Hussain has taken on leadership roles in numerous organizations in the greater Toledo area. Among them, he has served as president of the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo, the Toledo Surgical Society, and the Academy of Medicine of Toledo. On a national level he has served as president of the Association of Pakistani Physicians of North America and Khyber Medical College Alumni Association of North America.
Currently he serves as a trustee of the University of Toledo and a director on the board of Public Broadcasting (WGTE) in Northwest Ohio.
About Toastmasters International: Toastmasters District 28 is composed of 112 clubs and approximately 2200 members in Northwest Ohio, Southeast Michigan, and Southwestern Ontario. Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational association that has helped more than four million people through its communication and leadership program. There are more than 211,000 members in 10,500 clubs in 90 countries throughout the world.
A Toastmasters club provides its members with opportunities to improve their public speaking skills and to develop as leaders. Club activities are based on the principle of learning by doing and improving through practice and evaluation. To find more information about Toastmasters International, visit