Muslims for America Welcomes Democratic Delegates
Muslims For America is based in Colorado. We would like to welcome the Democratic Party and its delegates to Denver, Colorado. We especially want to welcome the American Muslim delegates. Our mission, from the start, was to inspire all American Muslims to participate in America's democratic process.

This country has given us all freedoms and prosperity beyond what many immigrants dreamt of when they first arrived here. We need to participate in the process of joining institutions that make this country what it is - and the most important institutions are our political ones, which we entrust to preserve our liberties and empower the freedoms that we have by rights.
Choosing the people who will manage our freedoms and liberties is not an easy task. Therefore, we thank all people who get involved in this mission. People who take time away from their families, leaving home to make sure that our democratic process is a healthy one.
We are especially proud of our American Muslim delegates who are attending the Democratic Convention. Although not all delegates could attend the American Muslim caucus, those who were able to go were excited to be greeted by American Muslim Congressmen, Keith Ellison and Andre Carson.
There are fifty American Muslim Delegates to the Democratic Convention 2008 in Denver Colorado. Almost thirty of them were able to attend the American Muslim caucus. The surprise guest was Asma Hasan. Delegates you are making us very happy by participating in the convention. We hope you leave Denver with great enthusiasm and excitement and it was worth your while to attend the convention. We wish them a safe and pleasant stay in Denver and a safe journey back home.
Our Salaams and blessings to you!
- Seeme Gull Hasan