FOSAAC Award for Imran Khan

A view of the FOSAAC award ceremony
On Saturday, September 6, 2008, FOSAAC (Friends of South Asian American Communities) held its 5th Annual Awards Banquet at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. The Awards Night brought together South Asians and American communities.
The highlight of the evening was the presentation and distribution of awards. Named after many influential members of the South Asian community, the awards were given to members of the South Asian and American communities who have been successful in their chosen fields.
This year, Pakistan's Imran Khan received the Mother Theresa Award for his continuous humanitarian work with Shaukat Khanum Hospital and Namal College. Imran was unable to attend the event and Ms. Farrah Khan received the award on his behalf and impressed the attendees by placing Imran Khan on her cell phone's speaker direct from Pakistan.
The chief guests of the event were Antonio Villaraigosa, the Mayor of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Maneka Gandhi who is a member of Parliament in India . Besides, the event served as host to many high-profile political dignitaries, including Mike Honda, Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Committee, and businessmen and celebrities from both the United States and the subcontinent.
Fundraising for Shaukat Khanum Hospital and Namal College is underway with proposed dates in early November of this year. Ms. Farrah Khan is heading the fundraising campaign in California with support from USC, UC Berkeley, Stanford and Chevron Corporation. Those interested in donating may contact Ms. Khan at