Saba Trust IEWS Receives another Donation of 2200 Wheelchairs

Over the past few years Saba Aslam Education & Welfare Trust/International Education & Welfare Society has distributed thousands of wheel chairs in Azad Kashmir, NWFP, Karachi to Islamabad and other places. These wheelchairs were donated by the Free Wheelchair Mission.
“We are thankful to the Almighty God that we were able to help many people of all ages from different villages and cities. We want to share with everyone a very interesting story of a student named Muhammad Rafi,” says Mr. Saghir Aslam who heads the Saba Trust. Mr Aslam adds: The student had no transportation to get to school and heard about Saba Trust donating wheelchairs. He came to the office and I met him and listened to his heartbreaking story. He had tears in his eyes and indicated that he wanted to go to school but had no way of going because he didn’t have transportation, he didn’t have a wheelchair. More tears flowed from his eyes and he said “I hope you will be kind and generous enough to donate to me a wheelchair because I can’t afford to buy one.” He continued to say, “Sir please don’t say no because I really, truly need a wheelchair. Please donate a wheelchair so that I can continue with my education.” I was happily surprised when I saw him again for the second time when I was in Pakistan last month. This time he had a big smile on his face and he said, “Sir, remember me? You gave me the wheelchair that you see here in front of me. I am so thankful to you. Because of this wheelchair I have been able to continue my education. But Sir as you can see this wheelchair is worn out.”
As he spoke tears came to my eyes. He continued, “I took very good care of it as I wanted to have this chair to last me a long time. But as you can see the wheels are practically worn out and it is very difficult to use it anymore. I have tried to continue to use it as much as I could. But I am here so that you can give me a new wheelchair.” I embraced him and gave him a big kiss and said I will be delighted, honored and proud to give him another wheelchair. This is one of the most productive uses of the wheelchairs that I have encountered.
There are many other stories not exactly like this particular one but people have came and have been very thankful and very appreciative of the donation of the wheelchairs. In some situations we have heard from people that were not able to move for months, sometimes years, and the donation of the wheelchairs had made it possible for them to carry on with their lives. We have heard these wonderful stories from young, old and middle aged, from boys, girls, men and women, each and everyone of them having said that a wheelchair is the best thing that ever happened to them. They have stated that they continuously pray for the people who are making the donation of these wheelchairs. It has been a tremendous help for those who have received the wheelchairs.
With the new shipment have come improvements in the wheelchairs. They have added a new footplate that will need to be added to the footrest bar and adjusted for each recipient. This will help stabilize the wheelchair recipient and offer them more comfort in using their wheelchair. The footplate comes with a wrench attached so that each recipient will be able to make adjustments. Free Wheelchair Mission have developed a user manual for every recipient to take home with them.
The wheelchairs are donated to us by Free WheelChair Mission for which we are very thankful to Almighty God first and then to the Free WheelChair Mission. I wanted to mention that for each container our cost to distribute approximates $5,000. Now that we are focusing mainly on orphanage and our educational projects it is becoming extremely difficult for the Trust to continue to bear the cost of distribution of the wheelchairs. I would hate to see this program discontinued as it has helped so many people in so many different ways in every walk of life.
Below is our contact information, the tax ID number which you can benefit from and be a part of this great program. You may mail your tax deductible donations to: 20 Truman Irvine, CA 92620. Tax ID #: 33-0716944. For any further questions please send email to or or you may call 949-654-3944 USA/51-550-8351 PAKISTAN.