Pakistan Has a Bright Future: Qutubuddin Aziz

Pictures above : Mr Qutubuddin Aziz
is seen with members of his family and prominent
Pakistani Americans
The Council of Pakistan American Affairs and many members of the Pakistani and American communities, attended a dinner party held by COPAA board member Anila Ali at her residence in Irvine on June 20, 2009.
Anila welcomed the Vice Consul of the United Kingdom and introduced her father, Mr.Qutubuddin Aziz, a former Pakistani diplomat and historian, who is currently visiting California to meet his children. The distinguished gentleman is highly respected in Pakistan and abroad.
Mr.Aziz held a question-and-answer session with the guests and assured them that Pakistan will tide over its present difficulties with the economy already showing signs of recovery. He answered questions from the members of the audience in regard to the life and achievements of Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the building of the Pakistani state by the Quaid and his followers.
He gave a synopsis of the way in which the Quaid built up the Pakistan movement and the state of Pakistan in spite of the shortage of funds. Mr.Aziz maintained that
the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan were correct decisions taken by the Quaid-i-Azam. He expressed his confidence in the bright future of Pakistan and that the institutions of government created by the Quaid for the state of Pakistan are strong and robustly functioning.
He said that professionally the armed forces were the best in South Asia and that the government of Pakistan in cooperation with the armed forces had devised an effective mechanism for the safety of Pakistan's nuclear assets.
In his view, the greatest assurance for the safety and security of the country was furnished by the devotion of the people to the ideology of Pakistan.
Mr. Aziz complimented the Pakistani-American community for its progress and the efforts of COPAA to project a bright image of Pakistan and enhance the American people's understanding of the problems as well as achievements of Pakistan and its close friendship with the United States of America.
Mr. Aziz who comes to the US almost every year is highly respected in the Pakistani-American community, including the editorial staff and management of Pakistan Link. His erudition and suavity impress all and sundry. So do his scholarship, personal warmth and candor. Over the years he has visited the Pakistan Link offices and given many useful suggestions. In Pakistan, too, he is held in high esteem in academic, diplomatic and journalistic circles. He is a gentleman par excellence.