Council of Pakistan American Chamber of Commerce (CPACC)
honors Sheriff Leroy Baca and the delegation visiting Pakistan.
By Aazar Ali Khan
Council of Pakistan American Chamber of Commerce (CPACC) last week honored Sheriff Leroy Baca, the Chief of Los Angeles
County Sheriff’s department.
Los AngeLes: Mr. Baca was recognized for taking a step to aid Pakistan Police in improving the department’s infrastructure by visiting Pakistan in December of 2008 along with Chief William J. Mc sweeney Head of Homeland security, strategist for
Intelligence Alliance Mr. Matt Woolman, Chairman Pakistan American sheriff Advisory Council, Waqar Khan, Director PakistaniAmerican sheriff’s Advisory Council Dr. sohail siddiqui, and Co-Chairman International Liason Dr. Asif Mehmood. With
the support of President Asif Zardari,this effort was coordinated by members of Pakistani American sheriff’s AdvisoryCouncil, the Consul general of Pakistan Mr. Ibne Abbas in Los Angeles, and the police Director generals of the Cities of Karachi, Lahore,and Islamabad. After those attacks,the Los Angeles County sheriff’s Department dispatched a team of emergency
operations command personnel to Pakistan in response to a request by the Director general of Police, Province of sindh.
The event was held at the prestigious Universal Hilton in the heart of Hollywood, CA and was attended by over 200 members from the Los Angeles County sheriff Department and Pakistani community members from southern and northern California as well as nevada. Fatima Khan,program director of safeer e Pakistan,a popular community program on geo Television network, hosted the event. The event started with recitation of Holy Quraan by Jasmyn Masuri followed by national Anthem of both Pakistan and UsA. Dr. sana Khan, a prominent community member and a senior advisor of CPACC delivered a keynote speech. executive
board of the Council, including Founder and Chairman Waqar Ali Khan, former CPACC President and current Vice Chair, Mr. Arif Mansuri and President elect 2009-10 Mr. Jamal Khawaja thanked the audiences for showing their support and the sheriff for taking a bold step to visit Pakistan right after the Mumbai blasts.

In his address to the audience, sheriff Baca informed the community that the purpose of the trip was to discuss with key Pakistani law enforcement leaders and their operational commanders about their ongoing efforts to police all forms of crime including terrorism and then ascertain what help American law enforcement could provide. During meetings with the Police Department of Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, security threats, the situation in the Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) and settled Districts of the northwest Frontier Province (NWFP), the Baluchistan situation were all discussed in-depth and candidly. An important challenge faced by Pakistani law enforcement is the length of the border with Afghanistan – 2,430 kms - and the crossing of the border by militants, as well as the smuggling of weapons by the same militants. not to mention drug
barons, who also pose a significant and difficult security challenge. In his speech, sheriff Baca added that the United states needs to help the Pakistan police with up-to-date crime fighting equipment, technology, and forensic science and essional American police diplomacy should be a part of this opportunity. The audience applauded on sheriff remarks about the Us Aid to Pakistan and his sincerity in supporting the speedy delivery of the aids.
The event was also addressed by the acting Consul general of Pakistan Mr. Ahsan Wagan who also praised sheriff Baca and his concerns with Pakistan . Mr. Waqar Khan remarked that CPACC appreciates everything the department is doing for the Pakistani Community and Pakistan. Mr. Baca along with the delegation, Chief Mcsweeney, Captain Woolman, Dr. Asif Chaudhry and Dr. sohail siddiqui were honored with plaques of appreciation by the executive Board of the Chamber. Members of Pakistani sheriff’s Advisory Council were also recognized for their services and contribution to the sheriff department. A slide show of glimpses of the trip was presented by safeer e Pakistan and the event ended with words of praises for the sheriff and his entourage for the support and dedication in helping and supporting Pakistan.