Pakistani American to Work as Media Specialist for US Central Command


Fremont resident Zafar Khan Yousufzai, recipient of National Security Education Program (NSEP) scholarship award, has been hired as media specialist to work at the US Macdill Air Force Base Tampa, Florida by Concepts & Strategies Inc.

Mr. Yousufzai will conduct research to determine key foreign communicators (govt. officials, journalists, religious leaders, etc.) who are significant contributors or influencers to foreign media sources. He will also prepare periodic products based on the analysis of open source media (print, radio, video, net/Internet) from foreign countries.

Mr. Yousufzai earned his Master's in Political Science from the University of Karachi, and an MBA in International Business/Marketing from Lincoln University. He was host of three weekly radio show broadcast from San Francisco Bay area for the PakistaniAmerican community.

He had been residing in Fremont since 1996 with his wife Naeema, a teacher, and two daughters, Sarwat Jahan and Eqra Anam, who study at Chabot College and Washington High School respectively.



Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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