Community Supports Mansuri’s Efforts to Promote Indus TV
A Pakistan Link Report
Pictures by Faiz Ahmed and Dawn Howard

Glimpses of the function arranged by the Urdu Writers Society to pledge support to Mr. Arif Mansuri in his efforts to promote Indus TV on the west coast
Lakewood , CA : An overflowing Shahnawaz Restaurant banquet hall on August 18 testified to the immense support that Pakistan Link's Managing Editor and President Arif Mansuri enjoys in the community for his well-meaning initiatives. As the proceedings gathered steam he was assured of the support of numerous groups and associations for his latest undertaking to promote Indus TV on the West Coast.
The function to felicitate Mr. Mansuri was successfully organized by the Urdu Writers Society. Its President, Mr Irfan Murtaza, and office-bearers – Mohammad Kalam, Asif Syed, Hadi Raza Khan,Rohaida Khan, Nasreen Afshan, Nikhat Khan, Abida Ahmed and YKKB - took the stage one by one to felicitate Mr Mansuri and to recall his multifarious services to the Urdu Writers Society.

Community leaders pay tributes to Mr Arif Mansuri
Pledging support unequivocally on the memorable evening was Adnan Khan, President of the Council of Pakistan American Affairs (COPAA). Hamid Malik, a past-President of COPAA, appeared equally committed in reassuring the Pakistan Link President of his unflinching support. Mr Sameen Faruqui, a past president of the Karachi Club, recalled Mr Mansuri's services to the community and assured him of his group's support. The presence of Mr Mobeen Baig, current President, was a further confirmation of the Karachi Club’s support to Mr. Mansuri's fresh undertaking. What is more, Mr Kamal Zafar, an influential member of the community, too exuberantly participated in the proceedings and furnished proof of his unstinted support.
Mr Ahmed Ali, past president of COPAA and currently President of the NEDIANS in the US, spoke highly of Mr Mansuri. Mr Zafar Abbas, Bureau Chief, Urdu Times, spoke with characteristic charm and candor to testify to the many well-meaning initiatives of Mr Mansuri over the years. Also present in the supportive audience was Mr Jamal Khaja, President of the Pakistan-US Chamber of Commerce, besides a large number of distinguished community members.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr Mansuri gave an overview of the working of Indus TV and showed a documentary highlighting its global operations.

Prominent community members at the Urdu Writers Society’s reception
INDUS TV entered the Pakistani market in 2000 with the launch of its flagship channel INDUS VISION - the first independent satellite channel and Pakistan's favorite entertainment channel. “We captured the imagination of Pakistani viewers, primarily the youth of Pakistan,” claimed the commentator. INDUS VISION has been credited with many firsts and produced some of the most memorable content in Pakistan's entertainment industry. INDUS VISION's morning transmission, children's programming, dramas, and tributes have received wide acclaim. INDUS VISION also boasts a variety of popular live interactive shows of different genres.
The overwhelming response from the audience brought about INDUS MUSIC - Pakistan's premiere music channel. INDUS MUSIC or "IM", as it is popularly known, has an ever growing interactive audience, domestically and internationally.
Mr. Mansuri made a spirited speech exhorting the community members to support his efforts in promoting Indus TV on the West Coast.

Pakistan Link team (from left): Nikhat Khan, Nisha Shah, Dawn Howard, Faiz Ahmed, Majeed Shaikh, Anwar Khwaja, Jasmyn
Mansuri, Akhtar Faruqui, Feroz Qasim and Arif Mansuri
PAKISTAN LINK: He also took the opportunity to enumerate several milestones that Pakistan Link has successfully achieved in recent years. In the last few years ‘Link has emerged as the voice of the Pakistani-American community in the United States. In the words of Akram Shaheedi, Minister Press at the Embassy in Washington, Pakistan Link is “instrumental in providing the US administration the evaluation of Pakistan foreign policy and its stance on national and international issues … It is in my knowledge that the editorials and the news analysis published in Pakistan Link are accorded serious consideration at the policy levels of the USA Administration…”
Said Mr Mansuri: I have no hesitation in acknowledging that we derive our strength from our learned and insightful contributors. The University of Toledo has honored one of our columnists, Dr Amjad Hussain, in May this year through the creation of a new endowed professorship in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery “that will be a valuable resource to bring nationally renowned faculty member to campus who will focus on research and educational programs in cardiac surgery, bolstering an already strong department… The professorship that will bear Dr Hussain’s name will be a pillar of excellence at the University of Toledo…”
“The writings of another leading columnist, Mr Arif Hussaini, have been published by an American publisher in the form of a book.
“Cognizant of the quality of the paper’s contents the University of California Berkeley, has sought permission to keep a microfiche record of Pakistan Link in its library.
The New American Media, a nationwide organization, has commended Pakistan Link for its role in promoting cross-cultural communication.
“Our editor, Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui, writes insightful pieces: He worked as Assistant Editor DAWN, and, earlier, as Principal Public Relations Officer, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. He has written for multilingual UNESCO and IAEA publications and rendered editorial services to the United Nations International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy ...”
Mr. Ahsan Wagan, Consul, was also present on the occasion. He paid glowing tributes to the services rendered by Pakistan Link in serving the community and the mother country, Pakistan. He urged the audience to whole-heartedly support Pakistan Link and Mr. Mansuri's strivings to promote Indus TV on the West Coast
Mr. Wagan is to be posted out shortly and availed of the opportunity to thank the community for the support extended to him during his tenure.