Jashn-e-Eid-Milad-un-Nabi by MQM USA Los Angeles Chapter

MQM USA Los Angeles Chapter celebrates Jashn-e-Eid-Milad-un-Nabi
Carson , CA : MQM USA Los Angeles Chapter organized a Milad to celebrate Jashn-e-Eid-Milad-un-Nabi - birthday of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The event was held at the Clarion Hotel in Carson, California.
The program was competently emceed by renowned local poet Majeed Akhtar who invited a young boy Zeeshan of age 14 to recite Qur’anic verses to start the proceedings.
Following the recitation, several guests paid tributes to the Holy Prophet by presenting Hamd and Naat in their own style. Included among the Naat Khwan were Shabir Mumtaz, Sufi Shafiq, Zulfi Ali, Mohammed Anwar, Sultan Ahmed, Wasim Baig, Rashid Ahmed, Atia Niazi, and Ishrat Naeem Jafry. Syed Abrar Hussain, renowned Naat Khwan from Pakistan who is currently visiting the US, won many hearts and drew applause by his soul-stirring voice. He presented a moving dua as the finale of the Milad.
It was an impressive, soul-lifting religious function attended by the elite of the community.
The speakers underlined the importance of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) message of peace, justice, fairness, equality and brotherhood for the world. They particularly highlighted the respect and rights the Holy Prophet (PBUH) ensured for women. Women, they said, played an important role in various fields of life. As mothers and teachers they are central to building healthy societies today. The teachings of the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) have proved to be a lasting source for the upbringing of children on the sound principles and teachings of morality, truth and integrity.
The participants recited "Naat," offered Durood-o-Salam and prayed for the peace and prosperity of Pakistan and the Ummah.
Wasim Zaidi, Member of the Central Organizing Committee, thanked the community for their support. He appreciated the efforts of Chapter In-charge Abdullah Jamil and his team in organizing the Milad which was the first of its kind in Los Angeles.