Pakistani Students Association of USC Arranges Eid Banquet
By Nighat Ali

Pictures above: Glimpses of Pakistani Student Association’s Eid Banquet at USC, Los Angeles
Los Angeles , CA : A sumptuous banquet was held at the USC Town and Gown Ball Room on Thursday, 18 November 2010, to befittingly celebrate Eid Al-Adha. The banquet was organized by the Pakistani Students Association.
When the guests entered the hall, they were impressed by its décor and the multinational gathering of academics, diplomats and students. The speakers enlivened the proceedings with their observations and comments. They included Mr Adnan Khan (President COPAA), Consul General of China in Los Angeles, Consul General of Bangladesh in Los Angeles, Hussam Ayloush of CAIR LA, and the Pakistani Consul General in Los Angeles Mrs. Raffat Masood. A representative from the American Red Cross updated the gathering on the current humanitarian crisis in Pakistan following devastating floods this year.
The banquet turned out to be a soul-lifting demonstration of the students’ love for Pakistan. It was a memorable night of mirthful excitement and unending thrills with over 100 students, fired by the passion to do justice to the task of depicting Pakistan’s rich culture, spiritedly participating in dances and skits. Thanks to the unwavering support of the grand sponsor, the students proved equal to the task and were successful in mirroring the rich and vibrant culture of Pakistan.
During intermission, the audience was treated to tasty food. Indisputably, the chicken briyani and kabob rolls were an added attraction for the guests. The folk dances and their more contemporary fusion were presented with a great degree of fineness and imagination. In essence, the folk dances expressed the roots of Pakistani culture. The event marked the celebration of Eid in the true Pakistani style with a scintillating performance by Bhangra Most Wanted. The team showed off their machismo with a nicely prepared bhangra number. The exquisite South Asian tunes of USC Kamine band and effortless comedy stand up by Hasan Minhaj were equally entertaining. Besides there was an amazing performance by Asli Baat at the end which proved quite an inspiration: the group was able to convey asli baat without any instruments!
The most prominent feature of the event was a speech delivered by the Pakistani Consul General. She was articulate and confident and won applause for her forthright remarks. Mrs Raffat Masood commended the efforts of the PSA office-bearers - Syed Yasir Kamal, Shehzad et al. - in organizing the banquet. She was especially appreciative of the Indian students who sang Pakistani national songs with warmth and perfection. She thanked everyone, especially the Consulate Generals of China and Bangladesh, for their presence and support to PSA.