Chicago Roundup
A New Voice of the Community
By Dr. Mujahid Ghazi

A new daily talk show has been launched by the Asian Broadcasting Network. This project is part of its strategy to unite different factions of the community by providing a platform. This Radio Program debuted on 21 st of December 2009 from WCGO 1590 AM in Evanston Illinois. Dr. Irfan Ahmed Khan and Dr. Abidullah Ghazi participated in the inaugural programs.
The theme of this program is Unity. “Hold fast to the Rope of Allah” is the guiding principle of the production. Under this principle each smaller community of the Muslim Ummah in the Greater Chicago is provided 1 hour of air time every week. For the last three weeks Bosnians, Somalians and Afro-American Muslims are doing their programs in which they discuss their issues and concerns. Nigerian and Bangladeshi Muslims are expected to go on air shortly.
The Muslim community in Greater Chicago has welcomed this initiative. This program can be heard through direct streaming by logging on between 7 and 8 pm central standard time.
Representatives of Muslim organizations and mosques meet to discuss issues and concerns
The House of Representatives of CIOGC has established an ad hoc committee to address profiling of Muslims by the TSA. The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) held its House of Representative Meeting last week at the headquarters of the American Muslims for Palestine in Palos Heights. In the absence of Dr. Zaher Sehloul, Chairman of CIOGC, the deputy Chairperson Tasneem Osmani presided over the meeting. It was a well-attended meeting.
The representatives of mosques and Islamic organizations expressed their concern over the present profiling of 13 Muslim countries by TSA. Ex-Chairman of CIOGC Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid proposed to have a special session of HR and other community leaders to discuss this issue in detail. An adhoc committee was established under his chairmanship to organize the event.
Apart from discussing policy issues and reports by various committees, the HR discussed the future programs of CIOGC. Sister Amal Ali presented a detailed report on youth programs and community projects in the previous year. She also outlined the future strategy to involve and train youth leadership and volunteers.
Tasneem Osmani announced that the annual dinner of CIOGC is going to be held in May this year. A proposal of holding a seminar/conference on the same day of the dinner with the cooperation of MPAC was also discussed but couldn’t get the approval of the House.
Imam Osman, Brother Wajahat and few other leaders of the community announced their projects and asked the HR to help complete them. An announcement of the new radio program “The Muslim Voice” was also made during the meeting and was warmly welcomed by the members of the HR.
Earlier, Awad Hamdan, National Program Director of the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) welcomed the HR and said that it is an honor for AMP to host the meeting. He briefly gave the history of the foundation of AMP. He said AMP was formed in reaction to the Israeli aggression in Gaza and is acting as an agency to raise awareness about the situation in Gaza and help the innocent Muslims of Palestine, especially of Gaza to rebuild what was destroyed. During the meeting, Mazen Asbahi, who represents Muslim Bar helped the members in putting right legal words in their motions.
Community should pay attention to the challenges the Muslim Youth face: Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid
Under its political empowerment campaign, Community Builders held a seminar on “The Challenges Muslim Youth face & Some Creative Responses by Sound Vision.” Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid was the speaker. He is president of the Sound Vision Foundation and the executive producer of the nation’s only daily Muslim talk show Radio Islam on WCEV 1450 AM in Chicago.
Imam Mujahid serves as Vice Chair of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions. He serves at the Faith Advisory Council of the Democratic National Committee. He was an elected member of the Credentials Committee for the 2008 DNC. Besides, Malik Mujahid is the founder of Muslim Democrats, a national network of American Muslims, working to enhance the meaningful participation of American Muslims in the electoral process.
With the help of statistical data and surveys conducted by Gallop and other organizations he gave a detailed analysis of the conditions of the Muslim youth in the West, especially in the US. He suggested ways and means to address the issues and concerns about the future of the Muslim Ummah and its political empowerment in this country. He claimed that it is necessary to participate in mainstream politics. He condemned those elements who try to malign people by believing in this kind of activism. He suggested that among other efforts, our Imams need to be trained and educated to propagate positive message to their followers.
Dr. Azher Quader of Community Builders thanked the honorable speaker and commended his work. He also thanked the audience for participating in the educational session.
A good number of community leaders and activists were present at the meeting. Dr. Marcia Hermansen at one point clarified a point about the Sufi movement in the United States.
Engagement, Marriage and Anniversary
This roundup would not be complete without the reporting of social family events.
Famous radio hosts of Asian Broadcasting Network’s Youth segment “Jawan Fikr” Jibran Ilyas and Samra Cheema got engaged recently. Their friends organized a luncheon to celebrate this milestone in their life. Khurram, Misha, Soha, Ali, Sohail and Zeeshan designed a beautiful presentation of dance, comedy and fun. More than fifty friends gathered in the midst of freezing temperature to offer their warm hearty congratulations to theyoung couple.
Mr. Mohammad Ali Khan and Mrs. Khalida Khan celebrated their 50 th wedding anniversary with their children, grand children and extended family and friends at Pakwan Restaurant on Golf road in Niles.
Mr. Mohammad Ali Khan established Sana Travel in the seventies. His sons Ali (Khalid) and Sohail were also instrumental in establishing travel agencies and other business entities in this city. Ali runs Pleasant Travel and Sohail has a real estate firm along with Price Line Travel. The beauty of the event was the traditional get up of Mrs. Khlida Khan. She was dressed like a bride with traditional jewelry. Her aesthetic taste of clothes and jewelry has always been the talk of the town. The traditional way of serving the pan with silver coating in silverware is also her unique style. Sara Khan, their daughter-in-law presented an impressive power point slide show mirroring their lives through the years. It was absorbing and mesmerizing for the children and grandchildren to see themselves and their parents and grandparents interacting and bonding with the passage of time. It was really a treat for me too.