Farewell Gala for Consul General of Pakistan at the Ritz Carlton
Pictures by YKKB and Faiz Ahmed

Glimpses of the COPAA dinner in honor of Consul General Syed Ibne Abbas
A press release issued by COPAA states: “A farewell gala organized by COPAA, was graciously hosted by Dr. Meher Tabatabai and Mr. Qaisar Madad.
“The Ritz Carlton Gala was arranged for the outgoing Consul General of Pakistan, Syed Ibne Abbas, who will now take up an appointment as High Commissioner to New Zealand. Consul General received much community recognition and was honored by US Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
“Congresswoman Judy Chu also honored the Consul General by presenting a Congressional certificate of recognition for his hard work. Ms. Elga Sharpe, Chief of Protocol, City of Los Angeles Office of the Mayor and Ms. Lourdes Saab Deputy Chief of Protocol, County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, both presented the Consul General with certificates of recognition.
“This splendid occasion could not have been made possible without the leadership of COPAA President, Adnan Khan and his COPAA Board of Directors. COPAA President recounted the hard work and advocacy that COPAA has been engaged in for the community. He informed the guests about the new challenge that COPAA has taken up with the State Department regarding the denial and delay in visas for Americans of Pakistan origin.
“The graciousness exuded by community philanthropists and leaders, Dr. Meher Tabatabai and Mr.Qaisar Madad, is unmatched in the community and beyond. They have set a new precedence in philanthropy.
“The guests included people from all walks of life and the event brought together people of diversity under one umbrella. The guests mingled with several consulate representatives of UK, Ireland, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Indonesia and Turkey, to name a few.

Glimpses of the COPAA dinner in honor of Consul General Syed Ibne Abbas
“Congresswoman Judy Chu reiterated her support for the Pakistani community and informed the gathering of her new role in the Congressional Pakistan Caucus.
“Congresswoman Maxine Waters, gave an inspiring speech to motivate Pakistani Americans to engage in government by running for office. She reminded the audience of the sayings of Martin Luther King Jr. who fought for civil liberties and equal rights for all. She urged the Pakistani Americans to follow in his footsteps by engaging in public and community service.
“The evening concluded with musical entertainment enjoyed by the Consul General, hosts and guests.
“COPAA President, Adnan Khan and the COPAA Board thanked their honored and distinguished guests and concluded by presenting a plaque to the Consul General.”