Historian Nasim Yousaf’s Book Published

A book entitled, “Government of British India on Allama Mashraqi and Khaksar Tehreek (Movement): A Select Chronology” has been published and released in the USA. This work of 544 pages is a major contribution toward the historiography of the independence movement and the emergence of two sovereign states — Pakistan and India — in 1947.
The publication presents a timeline (focusing on the 1930s and 1940s) of the Government of British India’s materials as well as historically important events and news relevant to Mashraqi and his Khaksar Tehreek. It contains descriptive information on the secret and private correspondence of the Secretary of State for India, Viceroy of India, Provincial Governors, and other high officials. It also includes descriptions of classified and confidential documents and intelligence and Provincial Governors’ fortnightly reports.
The book is among the most comprehensive chronologies ever compiled on the subject and is a vital resource for faculty members, researchers, students, film/documentary makers, and general interest readers to learn about Mashraqi, his ardent fight against the British Raj, and his pivotal role in bringing freedom to British India. It has been compiled and edited by historian and scholar Nasim Yousaf (grandson of Allama Mashraqi), whose research focuses on Mashraqi and the Khaksar Tehreek.
Mr. Yousaf has written extensively on this topic and has also presented papers at relevant academic conferences in the USA. His research challenging the traditionally held belief that the partition of British India was inevitable and exposing a complex picture of the partition episode was recently published in Harvard Asia Quarterly (Spring 2009). His works have compelled historians to revisit the history of the region and correct many important fallacies.
The said book is complimentary to the other chronologies already published by Mr. Yousaf and should be used in conjunction with those works: (1) “ Pakistan’s Freedom & Allama Mashriqi: Statements, Letters, Chronology of Khaksar Tehrik (Movement), Period: Mashriqi’s Birth to 1947”, (2) “ Pakistan’s Birth & Allama Mashraqi: Chronology & Statements, Period: 1947 – 1963.”
For additional information and updates, please visit the website dedicated to the great Allama: http://www.allamamashraqi.com