Ayesha and Rashid Tie the Knot at Memorable Wedding Ceremony
Pictures by Anwar Khwaja

The bride and the bridegroom with friends and relatives
Jennifer, a young American girl of Caucasian extraction, watched Muslim boys bow their heads in solemn obedience to the Almighty at mosques and Islamic centers dotting the greater Los Angeles area. She was fascinated by the religious zeal and fervor of the young worshippers. It was an inspiring spectacle.
Soon, she felt an irrepressible urge to emulate their example. She was keen to embrace Islam. The family advised Jennifer to study the religion in depth before making the all-important decision.
Jennifer paid countless visits to mosques in Java, Vermont, Culver City and Momin Lodge. By and by, she was convinced that conversion to Islam would be the right decision for her. She embraced Islam and adopted the name of Ayesha.
On October 10, 2010 Jennifer, now Ayesha, married Rashid Mahmood at a glittering wedding ceremony in Malibu. She thus became the daughter-in-law of distinguished Urdu poetess Asifa Nishat and Mian Mahmood Zaman.
Ayesha’s relatives especially flew from Georgia and Texas to witness the ceremony which combined the best norms of the East and the West. It was a rare experience for all attendees at the colorful wedding ceremony.