Chicago Roundup
16 th Anniversary of Sandesh and 2 nd Anniversary of Hi India Celebrated in Chicago . Hashmat Sohail’s Kiran Kiran Tabassum Launched in Indianapolis
By Dr. Mujahid Ghazi

16 th Anniversary of Sandesh and 2 nd Anniversary of Hi India Celebrated in Chicago
Chicago, June 17 th, 2011: The publishers andsupporters of two widely supported Indian newspapers, Sundesh, Gujrati weekly and Hi India, English weekly celebrated 16 th and 2 nd anniversary respectively by inviting the Indian and Pakistani diaspora at Meadows Banquets in Rolling Meadows last week. Congressman Danny Davis was the chief guest. It was a well-organized event which started with lightning of the lamp. This year the newspapers honored three South Asians for their community service and achievements.
Ann Kalayil was honored for her service to the South Asian community and her leadership roles in organizations focused on immigration advocacy and public policy. She has been on the board of the South Asian American Policy and Research Institute, Indo American Democratic Organization and Indo American Center.
Dr. Mohammad Wasiullah Khan was honored for his pioneering services in education in Illinois. He is the founder chancellor of the East West University in Chicago which mainly serves the underprivileged student population. He is the past president of Pakistani American Congress and Indus Society of North America.
Mayank Chhaya was honored for his achievements in literature. Mayank has been a journalist for 28 years including 17 years reporting from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. He is also a critically acclaimed author. His first biography of Telecom Guru Sam Pitroda was published in 1992. His authorized biography of Dalai Lama has already been translated in 20 languages worldwide.
The awards were given by Congrssman Danny Davis who made the presentation more interesting by his witty comments. In his speech he commended the contributions of the South Asian community and gave an account of his roots in the community.
Mr. Ashok Easwaran, the group editor of Sundesh and Hi India, thanked the advertisers and readers for supporting the media group. He said the newspapers have a policy to cover events and incidents without any political, social and religious bias.
Nick Patel introduced the publisher Hemant Brahmbhatt and commended his dedication for the media outlets.
Hemanth Brahmbhatt in his short speech recognized the staff and supporters of the news papers and said success was not possible without the dedicated service of these individuals.
Later, musical entertainment by Mumbai Music Group kept everyone spellbound until the late hours of the night. Rupali and other singers satisfied the nostalgia of the audience by singing Mukesh, Rafi, Lata, Asha and Kishor Kumar.
Hashmat Sohail’s Kiran Kiran Tabassum Launched in Indianapolis
Indianapolis , June 18 th, 2011: Prominent poet of humor, Hashmat Sohail, was recognized last week at a book-signing and inauguration event in Indianapolis. A large number of Urdu lovers gathered at the residence of Shariq and Saba Hussain to be part of this literary meeting.
Mr. Hashmat Sohail read excerpts from his book. This scribe read articles of Qamar Ali Abbasi, Yousuf Mirza and Sardar Ali. The book was presented to the hosts by Syed Anis Tirmizi who was presiding over the session. A Mushaira followed the inaugural ceremony.
Poets who read their work inclded this scribe, Zarrah Hyderabadi, Rasheed Sheikh, Shah Naeemuddin, Dr. Afzalur Rehman Afsar, Abdur Raheem Talib, Masroor Khan, Shahid Aleg, Hamid Amrohvi and Hashmat Sohail. Anwar Khan Akmal read his poem with reference to the Pakistanis in Bangladeshi camps. He is the founder of OBAT Helpers, an organization which works for the relief of stranded Pakistanis. Jameel Shedai who was visiting from Hyderabad also presented his kalaam. Razia Ishaq, sister of Zia Mohyuddin, read her husband and sister’s work. Earlier, Mr. Aftab introduced the hosts Mr. Shariq and his wife Saba and commended them for hosting such an interesting literary event for the Indiana community.