Nancy Pelosi Expresses Dismay at King Hearings

House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi meets prominent members of the community
In a meeting with key leaders of the Muslim community, House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressed her dismay at the hearings at Capitol Hill on Muslims initiated and led by Rep. Peter King, says a COPAA press release. It adds:
"I am totally against the hearings but we are happy to say that Rep. Keith Ellison made us all proud with his heartfelt speech," she stated.
She commended the leadership of Pakistani Americans like Dr. Meher Tabatabai and Mr. Qaisar Madad, COPAA Advisor, who have brought richness and diversity to America and strengthened her.
"Muslims are a part of the solution; they are not the problem," said COPAA President Adnan Khan. "They must be engaged as positive partners to keep the homeland safe."
Mr. Khan informed Speaker Pelosi about the outreach efforts that COPAA has been deeply engaged in nationally such as bringing LAPD Chief Downing to be part of the Eid prayers with 20,000 Muslims in attendance; working with Counter Terrorism, Homeland Security; and outreaching to LAPD and FBI. Through such initiatives COPAA and the community have extended support and cooperation to all the government agencies across the United States.
Dr. Meher Tabatabai and Anila Ali both expressed their concern over women's rights abuse and the resurgence of the Blasphemy Law in Pakistan.
Other topics discussed were:
Concerns of American Muslims especially in the wake of the Peter King Hearings and the Yorba Linda ‘hate’ incident, US economy and health care, Libyan crisis, Aid to Pakistan and US continued support, President Obama's reneging on his promise to close Guantanamo Bay and signing the extension to Patriot Act without revisions, Lack of Pakistani Americans’ representation in the government.
The community leaders present on the occasion included Dr. Meher Tabatabai, Syed Qaisar Madad, Hamid Malik, Ahmed Ali, Anila Ali, Tina Khan, Mariam Rashid, Haroon Rashid, Dr Asif Mahmood, Fasal Gill, Perveen Ali Javeeda Malik, Dr. Parveen Ahmed, Adnan Khan, Mahrukh Madad, Mahvish Rajput, Faisal Rajput , Karim Ali, Gazala Shauk , Masood Shauk, Waqar Khan, and Dr. Khalid Ahmed.