International Leadership Foundation Awards for Enterprising Pakistanis

The award winners
ILF, a non-profit organization for promoting civic awareness and leadership qualities in Asian American youth, held its luncheon honoring individuals serving their community at the Irvine Marriott on April 23.
The Elected Official of the Year Award was given to California State Controller, John Chaing; Excellence in Public Service Award went to Deputy LAPD Chief Downing for his outreach to all communities, and the Community Service Award went to Mrs. Mariam Rashid and Dr. Shoaib Patail, for their services to community.
In a speech, Joel Szabat, Deputy Asst. Secretary Transportation Policy and founder of ILF, highlighted the importance of preparing the AAPi youth for future leadership.
He informed the audience that ILF’s excellent fellows have been serving the First Lady and interning at the White House three years in a row. These young people who intern with the ILF are the future of our nation and will continue the work that leaders like Congresswoman Judy Chu, Congressman Mike Honda and many more are doing.
His wife, who is the CEO of ILF, presented her advisors, Anila and Karim Ali, Adnan and Tina Khan, and Dr. Meher Tabatabai and Mr. Qaisar Madad, with the highest honor for community service, President Obama’s Volunteer Service Award.
Congresswoman Judy Chu presented the awards to the honorees and Mayor Sukhee Kang, himself a recipient of the prestigious ILF National Award, was present to highlight the importance of preparing the AAPI’s youth for the future.
Former US Ambassador, Sichan Siv, gave an inspirational speech to inspire the youth and the adults by emphasizing the importance of creating civic awareness with the AAPI community.
For more information about the ILF, visit: