Mashal Walk for Fallen Heroes
A Pakistan Link Report

Mashal, a unique Pakistani-American organization based in the San Francisco Bay area continued its efforts towards thinking globally but acting locally recently by holding a fundraising walk to assist families of fallen firefighters and policemen who protect us all in times of need. The recipient of the funds raised during the walk was the 100 Club of Contra Costa County.
It was a beautiful day for a walk as members of the Pakistani-American community were joined by local dignitaries including Joann Buchanan (State Assemblywoman), Abram Wilson (Mayor of San Ramon), Scott Holder (San Ramon Police Chief), Richard Price (San Ramon District Fire Chief) and Joe Motta (100 Club President). Emcee for the event Omar Khan started the formalities by calling for a moment of silence for the local fallen heroes. The walk participants were next led by a bag piper playing haunting tunes to the walk route.
Upon return the dignitaries were very complimentary of Mashal’s efforts. Joe Motta stated that “by coming out today and supporting this cause you have proven that you are all patriots.” The Police and Fire chiefs echoed similar sentiments while Joan Buchanan presented a certificate of recognition to Faraz Sattar, the President of Mashal. Faraz also presented trophies to Chief Price and Chief Holder. All officers and firefighters present and not present were recognized.
Next came the fun and games – the Emcee initiated the “hit out of the ballpark with a cricket bat” competition. Chief Holder, Chief Price, Mayor Wilson and other council members and officers participated. Next came the “Eggy race” with couples during which the ladies held an egg on a spoon in their mouths and their significant other(s) guided them towards the finish line. A dance competition for the very young followed.
Food stalls offering a variety of cuisines were available. Jamba juice had a stall for smoothies and drinks. Various prizes were handed out including an ipod, two nights’ stay at a local Marriott, commemorative shirts and wrist bands were also given to all participants. And the best news of all was that around $13,000 was raised for the families of our fallen heroes.
To conclude, Mashal is all about Pakistani-Americans giving back and with this effort they sure hit one out of the ball park, albeit with a cricket bat!