APPNA Food Drive in St. Louis

During June-July 2012, APPNA St. Louis organized a food drive. The program was headed by Dr Ayesha Iqbal under the APPNA STL 2012 Executive Committee. Its aim was to deliver staple food items to the needy and poor families in the St Louis area, invoke a sense of community and giving-back through monetary donations or volunteerism, and strengthen collaboration between APPNA STL and local organizations for current and future communitywide projects.
APPNA STL, says a message, is proud to announce that we delivered what we aimed for. More than six hundred food items were delivered to support 71 families in the area.
We firmly believe that behind every successful venture is a “TEAM” – from our members and other members of the community who funded the project, to the women of SAATH STL who took out time from their busy lives and led the organization and logistics of the drive, to kids and teens who brought forth the great spirit of community work through their help with the assembly, loading, unloading and delivery of the boxes, to the social workers at the Islamic Foundation of Greater St Louis (IFGSTL) who ensured smooth distribution to the deserving families.
The success and impact of this drive is succinctly summed up by Dr. Syed Danish Hassan: “ Great work! Poor community badly needs this throughout the year. Great initiative!”