Muslim Spelling Bee Competition at Orange Crescent School on March 17

The nationwide World’s First Muslim Spelling Bee regional competition will be he at Orange Crescent School, Garden Grove, on March 17, 2012. Students from Islamic, public, private and home schools will participate from the West Coast and adjoining states in the competition.
The event will be held from 8.30 AM onwards and will include carnival/bazaar and food stalls for the attendees.
This is the first time that Muslim students and communities will be connected through education. The main purpose of the event is to promote education through competition and collaboration.
Dr.Asma Rizvi and Tausif Malik, founders of Muslim Spelling Bee said that “we are honored and excited to host the event at Orange Crescent School.”
Sara Taher Khan,Director TV ONE, which is the official television and radio partner of Muslim Spelling Bee competition, said, “We would be recording and broadcasting the final event shortly”.
If you are interested in getting involved in the Muslim Spelling Bee, please visit
For more information, please call Tausif Malik at : 773.536.9786
The nationwide World’s First Muslim Spelling Bee competition commenced at the Darul Arqam School, New Jersey on March 04, 2012. 62 students participated in the competition. .
The participants were divided according to their ages into 3 groups A, B & C. The Principal of Darul Arqam School Sr. Iman ElDessouky introduced the founders of the Muslim Spelling Bee -Tausif Malik and Dr.Asma Rizvi and the Essam ElSherif, Board Member, Darul Arqam School.
The Board, Principal of Darul Arqam School and Founders of Muslim Spelling Bee welcomed and thanked everyone present at the event. A lively competition followed.