NFIE Organizes Ninth Annual Mawlid-un-Nabi Conference
By Yousuf Bhuvad

The Naqsbandiya Foundation for the Islamic Education (NFIE) organized its 9th Annual Mawlid-un-Nabi Conference on Saturday, March 10th at the Chandler Community Center. The NFIE is a non-profit, tax-exempt, religious and educational organization dedicated to serve Islam with a special focus on Tasawwuf (Sufism). It was established in loving memory of Sayyid Jamaat Ali Shah Naqshbandi(rahmat Allah alayhi)-d.1951 and Shaykh Muhammad Masum Naqshbandi (rahmat Allah alayhi) d.2007.
This spiritual event was attended by close to 600 people from around Phoenix and vicinity. Many guests came from Tucson, Houston, Littlerock and Santa Clara. Salman Faizi welcomed the guests and served as the moderator. The program started with the recitation of Holy Qur’an by young Ali Ahmed. Dr. Ahmed Mirza, the founder of the NFIE, thanked the audience and gave a brief overview of the work the foundation was doing to promote Islamic education. Qari Syed Sadaqat Ali mesmerized the guests with his beautiful recitation of Holy Qur’an. He is a student of Qari Abdul Basit (RA) and a recipient of many awards in Pakistan for his Qirat. Using varying styles of Qur’anic recitation, including the one with complete Surah in a single breath, the honorable Qari created a divine atmosphere never before seen in the valley.
Noor Muhammad Jarral, a guest Naat reciter from Virginia, recited his favorite Naats and received praise for his delivery and style of presentation. He is a well-known Qasidah reciter from Pakistan and a gold medalist. Local Na'at Khawan Muhammad Bilal Siddiqui and Salman Faizi also entranced the attendees with their Naat recitations.
Imam Didmar, the Imam of the Greenway Masjid, introduced the keynote speaker Shaykh Muhammad Bin Yahya Ninowy. The Shaykh was born in Syria and began his studies under his father, acquiring knowledge in many disciplines, including Aqeedah, Fiqh and Hadith, with numerous licenses to teach. He attended Al-Azhar University and also studied with prominent scholars in Syria, Hijaz and North Africa. He currently lives in al-Madinah al-Munawwarah and teaches hadith at the Islamic University of Medina.
In his speech, the Shaykh focused on the love and mercy of Prophet. The Prophet (pbuh) was brought into this world as a blessing for all of universe (Rehmatul Lil Alemeen). His guidance is for all the people in the world and not just for the Muslims. He emphasized following the footsteps of the Prophet (pbuh) calling the love expressed for him as a part of the religion. The program ended with the closing remarks by Dr Mirza and offering of salat-o-salaams. Afterwards, the dinner was served.
The pictures of the event are posted at
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