MPAC Asks DOJ to Monitor Case of San Diego Killing

Los Angeles, CA: The Muslim Public Affairs Council announced March 25 it is deeply disturbed by the death of Shamia Alawadi, a Southern California Iraqi American woman, who died after being severely beaten as part of an alleged hate crime. SEE: " Iraqi Woman Dies After Beating; Threatening Note Found Nearby" (LA Times)
”Our deepest condolences are with the family of Shamia Alawadi,” said Salam Al-Marayati, MPAC President. “Her senseless death and the brutal nature of the crime are astonishing. We trust law enforcement will investigate this issue, and we pray Alawadi’s family will be able to find some comfort during this difficult time.” MPAC has asked the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division to closely monitor the developments of the case, and we are in communications with the San Diego Police. If the death is confirmed as a hate crime, law enforcement officials must prosecute this incident to the fullest extent of the law.
Alawadi was attacked at her El Cajon, CA, home on Friday morning, while her husband was taking their children to school. The victim’s 17-year-old daughter found her mother laying in a pool of blood with a note next to her severely beaten body suggesting a potential hate crime. Alawadi died a day later on late Saturday afternoon. Family members said a similar note was also found earlier last week in their home.
The alleged note read in part, “Go back to your own country, you’re a terrorist.” The victim has lived in the United States for almost 20 years.
Founded in 1988, MPAC is an American institution which informs and shapes public opinion and policy by serving as a trusted resource to decision makers in government, media and policy institutions. MPAC is also committed to developing leaders with the purpose of enhancing the political and civic participation of American Muslims.
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