Syed Shahab Imam Appointed Chairman of Plan Commission

Syed Shahab Imam was appointed by the Mayor of Hickory Hills as the new Chairman of Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. He is the first Muslim to hold this position in Hickory Hills, AlhamdulilAllah. His position was made official last week on May 9, 2013 when he was sworn in at City Hall.
Syed Shahab Imam was previously working on the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals of Hickory Hills as the Secretary. He was a project manager with IDOT for 28 years and has been retired for nearly 10 years.
The Mayor stated that he knew Imam was the right candidate for this position, and as soon as it became available he had the Board vote on his approval. The Mayor also noted during the May 9th event that Imam is a good, religious, honorable family man and the City of Hickory Hills will benefit from his services.