Islamic Shura Council Chairman's Message
Welcome Ramadan

Assalam 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatahu:
On behalf of myself, the Majlis and the General Body of the Islamic Shura Council, I join you in welcoming the blessed month of Ramadan. We thank Allah for giving us the opportunity and ability to enjoy Ramadan once more. We ask Allah to accept all our prayers and bless us to become better than we were before Ramadan, by His mercy and grace.
I am very pleased to share the following resources the Islamic Shura Council has developed for you, your family and your community:
1. Statement about the start and end of the month of Ramadan
2. Ramadan Planning Guide
3. Comprehensive plan for the month of Ramadan
4. Individual weekly planner
5. Other ideas for Ramadan
6. Your health in Ramadan
7. Where to buy best California dates
8. Sponsor a Welcome to Islam package for Muslim inmates
9. Invitation to share your Sadaqa/Zakat
Please consider the standardized Imsak and Salat al Fajr schedule. This is to make things easier for you and your local Masjid. On behalf of the Islamic Shura Council, I urge the Masajid to use the 15 degree method for calculating Imsak, Salat al Fajr and 'Isha timings, as follows:
- Imsak (beginning of the fast) should be observed 10 minutes before the 15 degree time, and
- Salat al Fajr should not be performed before the 15 degree time.Salat al-'Isha can also be performed immediately after 15 degree time.
We realize that in the past Masajid used various methods for calculating the Imsak and Fajr timings, causing much confusion. We hope this standardization will be helpful for everyone. This standardization process is a result of research, observations of Subh Sadiq (morning twilight) in this area by a team of Muslims and discussions with area Imams. It is also verified astronomically with Dr Khalid Shaukat of and Dr Ahmed Salama of NASA.
Once again, I invite you to join me in welcoming the blessed month of Ramadan and also invite you and your family to prepare and plan to receive this blessed month with love and enthusiasm. Please visit our website to keep yourself abreast of community news and events and share any ideas that you may have to make everyone's Ramadan most spiritually enjoyable.
Jazakum Allahu Khayran.
Dr Muzammil Siddiqi