COPAA President Attends White House Christmas Dinner

Mr. Adnan Ul Haq Khan, President of Council of Pakistan American Affairs (COPAA), attended the White House Christmas dinner on December 18th, 2012.
The morning before the dinner the COPAA President attended a briefing by the White House staff on issues and challenges that lie ahead for the Nation.

At the Christmas dinner President Obama and the First Lady thanked the invitees for being part of their victory and wished happy holidays and Merry Christmas to all. The President also thanked the troops and expressed special support for the victims of Superstorm Sandy and the families of Newtown, Connecticut.
COPAA joins President Barack Obama and the First Lady in wishing everyone happy holidays and Merry Christmas and urges all to pray for the families who lost their loved-ones in the Newtown tragedy and support those who were affected by Super Storm Sandy.
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