CAIR-LA Launches New Immigrants’ Rights Department

California is home to the largest population of immigrants in the United States. It’s no wonder then that CAIR-LA’s office receives a high volume of requests ranging from green card holders who need help applying for citizenship to refugees who need assistance attaining asylum.
In response to the high number of immigration-related requests it receives, CAIR-LA recently launched its new Immigrants’ Rights Department. In keeping with the organization’s goal to promote inclusion and civic engagement, the department seeks to empower non-citizens by helping them gain independence, security, and the opportunity to fully participate in American society.
The Immigrants’ Rights Department is dedicated to providing high-quality, low cost and pro bono services to individuals seeking legal assistance. Led by Farida Chehata, the department will conduct legal assessment, representation, advocacy, information sessions, citizenship application assistance, clinics, and outreach. Chehata is an attorney with substantial experience in immigration law, including work on asylum cases.
“I am humbled by the opportunity to serve those who are seeking a better life in the United States and the chance to become civically engaged, contributing members of our communities,” said Chehata. “In keeping with CAIR’s mission to enhance civic participation, one of the department’s focuses will be on making it more accessible for permanent legal residents to gain the rights, freedom and responsibilities that come with citizenship.”
Towards that end, CAIR-LA’s Immigrants’ Rights Department is currently hosting citizenship information sessions at multiple Southern California mosques. The next sessions will be held on March 28, March 29, and April 6 at the Islamic Society of Corona Norco, Islamic Center of Glendale, and the Islamic Center of Southern California respectively. For details on time, please call CAIR-LA’s civil rights department at 714-776-1177.
After attending an information session, those interested in applying for naturalization will receive information for CAIR-LA's upcoming Citizenship Clinic scheduled for Saturday, April 12, where specialized legal assistance on completing the naturalization application will be provided. In light of the forthcoming changes to the citizenship application process, which go into effect May 2, we encourage all eligible persons to apply now.
For details on the clinic, please call (714) 776-1177 or email the Immigrants' Rights Department at .