Urdu Writers Society of N. America and PL Publications Organize Grand Mushaira
By Akhtar M. Faruqui
Pictures by Anwar Khawaja

The Urdu Writers Society of North America and PL Publications, publishers of Pakistan Link and Urdu Link, joined hands to organize a grand mushaira at the Yorba Linda Community Center on May 10. It was a rare literary concourse with poets from the East Coast joining their West Coast counterparts in presenting delightful poetical work.
From Toronto came Karamatullah Ghori. From New York arrived Humaira Rehman, Shaukat Fahmi and Aijaz Bhatti. The local group comprised Masroor Jawaid, Majeed Akhtar, Asifa Nishat, Irfan Murtaza, Wasi Naqqash, Ahmad Jafri, Zafar Abbas, Tabish Khanzada and Mohammad Aslam.
The venue and the ambiance appeared ideally suited for the event and the organizers deservedly won accolades from the audience packing the glittering hall on the memorable day. Commented Pervaiz Ahmad, a prominent community member: It takes a lot of effort and time to ensure that all the I's get dotted and the T's get crossed before the start of the event, especially when out-of-State poets are gracing the occasion. Most poets kept the audience on the edge of their seats but Ahmad Jaffrey stole the show with his satirical composition entitled "Makaan " and " Shaair" . The Urdu enthusiasts were in raptures. Tabish Khanzada's recitation, as always, was spell-bounding, especially his poem "Mother/Maa" that touched the hearts of the gathering because no relationship is more sacred or endearing than the intimate bond between a mother and child. Masroor Jawaid's recitation too was superb; so also the presentation of Naqaash and others.
Arif Mansuri, President, PL Publications, who is also the chairman of the Urdu Writers Society, briefly addressed the gathering and spotlighted the outstanding features of the two popular papers he brings out every week - Pakistan Link and Urdu Link - and what makes them different from other newspapers. As usual, his address was enlivening and laced with flashes of wit and humor.
Irfan Murtaza, a great favorite of the crowd because of his witty remarks, scintillating kalam, characteristic zest, and impeccable arrangements, then introduced two new members of the Urdu Writers Society - Saadia Sohail and Shakeel Ahmed - to the applause of the appreciative audience.
Earlier, Rohida Khan, a prominent member of the Urdu Writers Society, accorded a warm welcome to the guests. She was followed by Mohammad Kalam, CEO of the Society, and Nasreen Afshan, a prominent member, who found the occasion propitiously timed to recount the services of the Urdu Writers Society during the last eleven years The Mushaira proceedings were presided over by Acting Consul General Dr Khalid Ejaz.
The May 10 Mushaira was a memorable event, thoroughly enjoyed by all and sundry present in the Yorba Linda Community Center, on that memorable evening.