USAID Grant Opportunity for Pakistani Universities
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission in Pakistan is planning to release an RFA to identify US universities to work in partnership with Pakistani universities to support partnerships in developing institutions to further research and innovation in the three sectors of water, energy, and food security and agriculture.
The grant provides an opportunity to help establish Centers for Advanced Studies (CAS) in Pakistan. The country holds great promise with its young population, its strong diaspora, its growing energy demand. Through the establishment and support of these Centers for Advanced Studies in these respective fields, the infrastructure of opportunity can be set in place for extensive research to be conducted and for long-term dialogues to take place through collaboration and research between US and Pakistani universities.
The goal for the Centers for Advanced Studies would be to train and develop graduates in these fields while increasing access to higher educational opportunities. Delivering relevant and innovative research to meet the needs of civil society, industry and government. Strengthening engagement between CAS universities and stakeholders in the private and public sectors, while improving CAS curriculum relevance and quality.
Subject to the availability of funds, USAID/Pakistan intends to fund three cooperative agreements (in total) with US universities supporting partnerships in each of the three sectors of water, energy, and food security and agriculture. Each cooperative agreement is anticipated to be limited to $9-10 million each for the food security/agriculture and water partnerships and $16-18 million for the energy partnership (two Centers for Advanced Studies in Energy will be established at Pakistani universities).
The role for US higher education universities would be to partner with universities in Pakistan to provide support, hold student exchanges, assist Pakistani universities to work with industry leaders, collaborate to create more relevant curriculum, and assist in identifying innovative approaches and conduct research.
To learn more about the grant opportunity, please visit: http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=253368
Questions concerning this notice may be directed to Ryan Weddle, Agreement Officer, at rweddle@usaid.gov (with a copy to jproano@usaid.gov ). ( The mission of the American Pakistan Foundation that has circulated the above information about this USAID initiative is to catalyze support for projects and initiatives that are important to the future of Pakistan and its relationship with the United States.)