Sam Sultan Ahmad Running for Cerritos City Council

Cerritos, CA: Sam Sultan Ahmad is running for the Cerritos City Council with the
election scheduled for March 3rd, 2015, says a press release. January 10th marked his campaign kickoff at the Shahnawaz Restaurant where more than 100 of his ardent supporters were present and pledged to work for his success. He reports that his fundraising efforts are ahead of schedule allowing him to run a spirited campaign.
One of his early supporters is John Paul Drayer, Cerritos College Board of Trustees. “I have known Sam for quite some time, and have found him to be a man of integrity who will make an exceptional City Council member. I urge all of my friends and supporters to endorse him and help get Sam elected on March 3rd.”
“ I am grateful for the opportunity to continue serving my community, including the South Asian community,” said Sam Sultan Ahmad,. “I have realized so many personal and professional dreams that giving back to the residents of my wonderful community, Cerritos, is the right thing to do.”
Sam says that the past City Council, for the most part, has done a terrific job. “But the areas where they have come up short are the areas of my expertise. That’s why I am running for a seat on the City Council.”
“I will use my extensive business and financial experience to promote higher standards of living in our City by creating a more prosperous business environment, more jobs, and greater revenue to support better City services - sometimes by thinking outside the box.”
Sam points out that the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts only has about 5 or 6 shows per month. He believes that if we work to book more events there we can reduce the subsidy that the City makes, which in turn, can be invested in our Public Safety programs. He says that a dollar earned is a dollar saved and a dollar that can be reinvested elsewhere like providing additional support to the police and fire departments to reduce response times in the event of an emergency. “I believe that public safety is job one for the City!” Sam said.
“I am also against raising taxes and fees for our residents - which is why I am against the proposed increase in the Water Tax, but I am for the Hotel Bed Tax which will appear on the ballot. It has been estimated that the increase in the Bed Tax - the first time since the 1980’s - will bring in almost an additional $500,000 to the City mostly by visitors that live outside the area. This increase in revenue could go to pay any increase in our water rates, as well as an increased schedule to fix our sidewalks and trim our trees.”
Sam Sultan Ahmad has earned a Bachelor's Degree in Pre-Engineering, a Master's of Business Administration degree, and a J.D. in Criminal Justice Administration. Sam has been married to his wife Razia, for 28 years. They have two children; their daughter Shumesa, 27, and son Adeel, 12.
“I am running for Cerritos City Council to make Cerritos a better place to live and work ... not just for my family, but for all the families that live here,” concluded Ahmad.
For more information about the candidacy of Sam Sultan Ahmad, please visit his website at: