CAIR to Honor Dr Suzanne Barakat

Dr Suzanne Barakat is the sister of Deah Barakat who was tragically murdered in February 2015 with his wife Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha and her younger sister Razan Abu-Salha.
Amid the tragic killings, Dr Barakat emerged as one of the prominent American Muslim figures, acting as the lead voice for her family and American Muslims at-large, challenging the ignorant hate and fear of Islam and Muslims.
She appeared in over dozens of national media outlets courageously voicing the fear and concerns American Muslims have in light of rampant Islamophobia.
Professionally, Dr Barakat is a resident physician at UCSF – San Francisco General Hospital.
She received her MD degree and training at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill School of Medicine. She later spent time on the Turkish-Syrian border, working at a makeshift polyclinic serving 20,000 refugees displaced by the on-going conflict in Syria. Barakat has been immensely involved in research to improve mental health. She is passionate about women’s health, mental health, global health, and social justice.