It's Been an Amazing Week!
By Abdul Malik Mujahid
Muslim Democrats Team

This last week was amazing for Muslims.
More Muslims were featured at the Democratic Convention this year than in any convention in recent memory.
Seven Muslims addressed the Convention, as compared to three Asians and nineteen Latinos. They also spoke at important slots. They all did an excellent job.
And on the most important day of the convention, where Hillary Clinton herself accepted the nomination, Muslims featured very highly in prime time.
Quite possibly the highlight of the last day's proceedings was a speech by Khizr Khan, a Pakistani-American Muslim, and father of Captain Humayun Khan, who was awarded the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart for saving the lives of ten soldiers. Khizr Khan was introduced by an American icon: NBA champion Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, also a Muslim.
I, like the majority of Americans, consider the Iraq War to be the mother of all our present troubles. War, terror, and hate are connected phenomena. But the sacrifice of Humayun Khan falls in a high tradition of humanity: ultimate sacrifice to save others’ lives.
It was not accidental that this grieving father challenged Trump in primetime, and that Hillary Clinton herself took several minutes to dwell on that noble sacrifice. Hillary’s tribute to Khan was itself titled “Hillary’s America.”
It was a deliberate and thoughtful step by Hillary Clinton to respond to Trump Disaster & Co., who are working so hard to depict Muslims as un-American.
About 20 million Americans watched it on ten TV channels across the nation. #KhizrKhan was trending as 50,000 people stood with tears in their eyes, offering him a standing ovation…
The CNN report is probably the best report on Khizr Khan's speech which brought 50,000 people to their feet with tears in their eyes. This report addressed the anti-war feelings of Muslims, while appreciating the heroic act of saving lives. Please share, post, and tweet as widely as possible.
So thank you to all the Muslim Democrats who called, tweeted, and reached out to the campaign in order to insist that the Democrats demonstrate their willingness to protect our rights. The convention stayed on positive messaging all through the last day, compensating for Bill Clinton’s one liner (which probably became the single most criticized line of the whole convention).
It’s time for us to deliver. It is incredibly important that we organize our votes to swing the swing states and defeat Trump--and to take over Congress.
Even if you live in a non-swing state, please volunteer today.
And remember:
It’s not about Hillary, and certainly not about Trump. It’s about us.
It’s for our own empowerment…
(Muslim Democrats are a national network of Muslim activists, organizers and community leaders working to enhance the meaningful participation of all American Muslims in the electoral process for political empowerment)