Fifth Joint Masjid Table Tennis Tournament 2016
By Dawar Naqvi CA

On March 5th & March 6th over 120 players from 30 mosques and institutions from all over SouthernCalifornia participated in the “Fifth Joint Masjid Table Tennis Tournament 2016” held at the at Joseph Bae Table Tennis Club in Santa Ana. The tournament was another mega event organized by SCMCO to bring the Muslim community together through social activities. On March 5th all Women events, Youth under 14 & 21, Over 60 & Imam’s events were held. The tournament started at 9:30 am and the ping pong balls continued flying back and forth between players.

On March 6th Brother’s event was held. Tournament started at 8:30 am. Player’s enrollment was conducted by Sister Emaan Amjad, Sister Asmaa Aly and Sister Najma Hyder. Rules and Regulation Committee lead Amjad Naqvi explained the rules of engagement. SCMCO Senior executive member Br. Arif Hyder from the Chino Valley Islamic Center opened the proceedings with a warm welcome to the players and audience. He thanked all volunteers and his organizational team who worked diligently to bring the community together. Lunch was served to all volunteers and players. Salat was performed on regular basis. Sheikh Yasir Qasim & Hafiz Abdurrahman led the prayers. Br. Abdul Hafeez organized the congregational salat timings. In his speech Sheikh Yasir Qasim said it was gratifying to see all masajid together. He praised the organizers for organizing such a unifying event. He also made Duaa Magfarat for the SCMCO table tennis player Amin Farouqi who passed away last year. The event concluded with SCMCO Chairperson Dawar Naqvi thanking everyone for their contribution and support. He expressed gratitude to Allah SWT for the success of the event. He also expressed his thanks to several individuals for their wholehearted support, including youth Emaan Amjad, Basim Awan, Sister Asmaa Ally, Sister Najma Hyder, Br. Amjad Naqvi, Br. Arif Hyder, Br. Abdul Aziz Hafiz, Br. Mansoor Awan, Br. Javed Rahmatullah and Br. Shahid Rahmatullah. He congratulated all the table tennis winners on behalf of SMCO. Hotel Accommodation was provided for the players. It was sponsored by Syed Mohtesham Shah. The results of the tournament are as follows: