Coaching Symposium for Young Physicians at APPNA’s 39 th Annual Convention

Washington, DC: The Young Physicians Committee (YPC) of Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America organized a comprehensive coaching seminar for young physicians in Washington, DC on Saturday, August 6.
Among the speakers, panelists and judges were world-renowned physicians and dentists from the US and Canada. The coaching seminar benefitted a large number of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) who also presented their scientific work through oral and poster presentations. The best presentations received travel allowance and awards.
APPNA is one of the largest physician organizations with more than 17,000 active members from across the US and Canada.
Career Counseling for Young Physicians
Session with speakers and Q&A session: Advice on Electives, Observership, Residency & Research/Clinical Fellowships and alternate career options for Medical Graduates
Welcome Speech & Appreciation Awards
Moderators: Majid Aized, MD; Muhammad Taimoor Khan, MD
Faisal Khosa, MD, MBA, FFRRCSI, FRCPC: "YPC & APPNA services for International Medical Graduates in USA and Canada”
Elizabeth Ingraham: "ECFMG Resources for Residency Applicants"
Aftab Ahmad, MD, MBA: "A review of NRMP 2016 Match and trends for IMGs"
Nizar Bhulani, Mariyam Hashmi, HarisShekhani: “Advice by Young Physicians”
AdilHaider, MD, MPH: "Six steps for success as a Residency Applicant"
RizwanNaeem, MD: "Alternate Career Choices for ECFMG Certified Physicians"
Panel for Question & Answer Session
Faiz Y. Bhora, MD, FACS
Chief of Thoracic Surgery and Associate Program Director General Surgery, Mount Sinai West and Mount Sinai St. Lukes. Associate Professor of Thoracic Surgery, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Aatif M Hussain, MD
Professor of Neurology, Duke University School of Medicine
Aftab Ahmad, MD, MBA
Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program, Orange Park Medical Center, Florida
Wasique Mirza, MD, FACP
Associate Professor, The Commonwealth Medical College and Acting Program Director of Internal Medicine, Wright Center, Scranton, PA
AtifZaheer, MD
Associate Professor of Radiology and Associate Program Director in Radiology, Johns Hopkins
NamirahJamshed, MD
Associate Professor Medicine, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Session with Visa, Immigration and Contracts Experts
Moderators: Muhammad Taimoor Khan, MD and Umar Tariq, MD
Attorneys: Naveen Bhora; Marina Haddad; Asad Rizvi
Oral Presentation and Poster presentation Session
Moderators: Majid Aized, MD and Muhammad Taimoor Khan, MD
Judges for Oral and Poster Presentation
Saba Waseem, MD, FACP
Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency, DLP Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center
Sana Waheed MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
SaadUsmani, MD, FACP
Clinical Professor of Medicine & Chief of Plasma Cell Disorders Levine Cancer Institute/Carolinas Healthcare System
Javed Siddiqi, MD
Professor & Chair of Neurosurgery, Founding Program Director Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, California
Organizers of the event:
Chief Organizer: Majid ToseefAized, MD
Organizers: Sadiq Naveed, MD; Urooba Faheem, MD; Muhammad Taimoor Khan, MD; Faisal Khosa, MD.
APPNA YPC Committee
Majid ToseefAized, MD; Muhammad Taimoor Khan, MD; Urooba Faheem, MD; Umar Tariq, MD; NamirahJamshed, MD; Sana Waheed, MD; Amjad Sheikh, MD; Deeba Syed, MD; Muzammal Habib, MD; Aftab Khan, MD; MuazzamNasrullah, MD; Atif Zafar, MD; SaadUsmani, MD; Faisal Latif, MD; Qamar Zaman, MD; Usman Khan, MD; Muhammad Amir, MD; SajjadSavul, MD; Shahzad Iqbal, MD; Rehan Khan, MD; Sadiq Naveed, MD; ShahramMaroof, MD; Faisal Khosa, MD MBA
Information and advice on electives, observerships, clinical and research fellowships for foreign medical graduates: ( )( )
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