Al Shifa Banquet Highlights Clinic’s Valuable Services
On October 15 th. Al Shifa held its Annual Banquet at the Double Tree Hotel, Ontario.
It was a memorable experience for the Al Shifa group that was celebrating 18 years of success of the clinic.
Al Shifa is a free clinic that extends treatment to the needy, irrespective of caste, creed or color. It has grown substantially in the last 18 years. It provides free labs, ultrasound services, cardiac stress tests, minor surgeries, gynecological services and refers people for free mammograms and MRI's. The doctors are volunteers and many of them are specialists in their fields.
After the Qur’anic recitation, DrTalat Khan, current chairperson, welcomed the guests.She was a little jovial about the current political situation in America and quoted the Qur’anic verse: "You are raised up as the best community for the benefit of mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in God." Helping people stay healthy and lead fulfilling lives is enjoining the right. She encouraged the community to keep on supporting the clinic as they have done in the past.
DrYaqub, medical director, introduced the volunteers and lauded their efforts in running the clinic.
Dr Hasan Syed, a board member, furnished statistics pertaining to the clinic and the services provided.
The keynote speaker, HussamAyloush, spoke about the importance of helping people to stay healthy in Islam.