Effusive Support of Chambers of Commerce of Islamabad and Rawalpindi for Saba Trust
By Janas Khan

Sheikh Amir Waheed and Zahid Latif Khan, President, Chamber of Commerce, Islamabad and Rawalpindi respectively have emerged as true patrons of Saba Trust. They never fail to attend a function of the Trust even when the invitation is extended at short notice.
Last month, the two Presidents and members of their top management visited the residential complex. They were full of admiration for the state-of -the-art facilities offered to Saba Home girls. Spread over an area of 20,000 sqft the huge complex and buildings serve as an ideal home for the girls, thanks to the foresight and vision of MrSaghir Ahmed Aslam, Founding Chairman of the Trust, who has shown exemplary devotion since its inception 52 years ago.
He and his wife have treated the Saba Home girls as their own daughters and taken care of their needs as any devoted parents would do.
Both Sheikh Amir Waheedand Zahid Latif Khan were profuse in their appreciation for the sincere efforts, devotion and services of MrSaghir Ahmed Aslam and assured him of unstinted support to his noble cause and strivings. They also assured to arrange the visit of members of both Chambers of Commerce Islamabad and Rawalpindi to Saba Trust Main Office soon to acquaint them with the Trust's laudable undertakings for the betterment of the community. They too should play their role in supporting Saba Trust and its noble humanitarian causes. This undertaking on their part is vivid proof of their extreme love for, and commitment to, Saba Trust.
Below are listed some of Saba Trust's rescue operations and humanitarian projects in 21 countries and 60 cities of Pakistan. They speak volumes of the wide spectrum of services rendered by the Trust that have been duly applauded and acknowledged, nationally and internationally.
1. Medical camps to provide medical aid to thousands in emergency and non-emergency situations
2. Micro-credit program launched in 1967 for the poor and needy people that helped thousands of families.
3. Distribution of food, clothes and medicines to over 39 million people, including the needy during the earthquake of 2005 in Pakistan.
4. Donated books worth over $ 1.4 million or Pak Rs. 980 million. Donated wheelchairs costing over US $500,000. Provided ambulances.
5. Helped in establishment of a Wisdom House near Kharian (Gujrat, Pakistan) that accommodates over 5,000 boys and girls from kindergarten to degree college.
6. Over one million eye operations in Sri Lanka, Sudan, Kashmir and Pakistan with the help of Railway Hospital, Dr Usman and others.
7. Assisted thousands of students (boys and girls) with tuition, scholarships, uniforms and books.
8. Widows welfare program and dowry to over 1000 brides.
9. 15 million dollar worth of medicines provided in collaboration with Samdani Foundation, Desert Foundation and Globe us Relief of USA. With Allah Almighty’s Blessings we are delighted to inform that the medicines were distributed in the most transparent way to deserving people and not a single bottle was given to friends or relatives. Dr William Jackson came all the way from America, and together, we distributed the medicines in hospitals and clinics in different provinces.