Nighat Kardar Elected President of COPAA

The Council of Pakistan American Affairs (COPAA) held its elections for the year 2017 on March 16, 2017. The following office-bearers were elected:
President: NighatKardar
Executive Vice President: Dr Bina Kamdar
Vice President: DrNighatSarwar
Vice President: Sabrina Beg
Treasurer: Faisal Jamil
Secretary: Ghazala Khan
It is a majority women board headed by a woman president. We wish all the success to the new board and president MsNighatKardar, says a COPAA message. It adds:
The members of the Board of Directors of the Council of Pakistan American Affairs are pleased to welcome MsNighatKardar as the new President of COPAA.
Mr Nasir Javed has completedhis term as COPAA President and the COPAA board members wish to thank him for his leadership, work and service to the community.
The new board’s term begins on April 1, 2017.