Love and Oneness Mark Interfaith Talks
A Pakistan Link Report

The Indo-American Lions Club organized an Interfaith Dinner, Interfaith Talk, in Upland, on May 7th at the Aroma Restaurant to bring all faith communities together under one roof.
In a show of 'oneness' and soldiery with all of the faith communities, the board and committee members decided to choose love and oneness as their theme for the Interfaith talks. Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Muslims were invited to share their unique perspectives on faith and humanity.
The resonating theme from all the speeches was that love can conquer hate.
Anila Ali, President of American Muslim Empowerment Council, spoke about the need to come together with all communities in peace and understanding.
The Qur’an tells us that each one of us was made in the best of molds, ashrafulmakhlookhat, thus every human being, for God is a work in progress and so through our daily lives, our actions, and our words, we must strive towards the perfection he wants to see in us, to finish his work. We are his unfinished work of art - and it is only through humanity, which is an art in itself - can we fill in the colors of His Canvas.”
Ali added, "Love and compassion, is the only way we will be able to fight hate, intolerance and bigotry."
Each of the speakers underscored the same, common message that all religions share, of love and understanding.
Mayors of Artesia, Ali Sajjad, Mayor Rancho Cucamonga and Upland graced the event. At the end of the event, Lions Club gave plaques to all the speakers.