Javed Ahmed Ghamidi on Tour of USA
ByAmjad Khokhar

Ustaz Javed Ahmed Ghamidi arrived in Dallas, Texas on Sep 14th to start his two-month USA Tour, visiting several major cities to participate in public Q&A sessions, hosted by the local host committees.
The tour kicked off with the AMUS (Al-Mawrid United States) general body meeting in Dallas chaired by Ustaz Javed Ahmed Ghamidi himself and highlighting several initiatives that AMUS and AMG (Al-Mawrid Global) are leading. The final details, guidelines and the themes of the USA Tour were finalized.
Ustaz Javed Ahmed Ghamidi will be visiting the Los Angeles area on October 22, 2017, to host a public Q&A session at the banquet facility near ISCN (Islamic Society of Corona Norco), 465 Santana Way, Corona, CA 92881. For tickets ($10) and further information, please visit www.javedahmadghamidi.com or call (714) 606 4327. (Amjad Khokhar).