Islamic Center's Participation in Rally Appreciated
By Tahir Ali

Worcester: Amjad Bhatti, President ISGW, and Tahir Ali, Spokesperson (ISGW/WIC) represented the Islamic Centers and spoke at the Worcester Rally organized by SURJ and POCA to support Charlottesville Virginia victims and condemn racism.
Amjad Bhatti greeted the crowd with the Islamic greeting. Bhatti condemned racism in the strongest possible terms and asked for swift justice. He offered prayers for the victims. Amjad, who was very articulate and well composed, said that there was no place for this kind of bigotry in the American society. He made it abundantly clear that America's strength is in its diversity and we all take cognizance of this celebrated fact. The crowd was apparently very pleased to see representation from the Islamic Centers.
Amjad Bhatti thanked the organizers for standing up to bigotry and concluded his address with "God Bless America".
The rally was covered by major newspapers and tv channels including Channel 5 ABC and was telecast the same day. More than an estimated 500 people showed up to participate in the rally.
TahirAli said that removing Robert Lee's statute is a statement. "If you want to embrace a statue, embrace the statue of liberty."