Kashmir an Obstacle in the Growth of India and Pakistan: Fai

Baltimore, Maryland: “The Kashmir dispute has an international dimension because it has the sanctity of the United Nations Charter and the United Nations Security Council resolutions and has become a big obstacle in the growth, peace and stability of both India and Pakistan. The unresolved conflict over Kashmir threatens international peace and security of the world. It is far past time for the United Nations to take forceful action in order to restore peace and justice in Kashmir.” This was stated by Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum during the 43rd Annual Convention of Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) held at the Baltimore Convention Center on Easter Weekend.
The Kashmir conflict cannot be ignored, perhaps for no other reason than that the conflict there has gone on for 70 years and seems destined to continue as long as the Indian armed forces continue to occupy the region. The potential for genocide is very real and massive killings of innocent civilians have already occurred in the past and continue till today unabated. Just on April 1, 2018, 16 people were killed and more than 200 seriously injured by the Indian army in Kashmir”, Fai added.
All the parties need to understand that ultimately the Kashmir issue will only be resolved across the table through tripartite negotiations between the Governments of India and Pakistan and the leadership of the people of Kashmir. If that is true, then why wait? Any delay will cause more death and destruction in the region.
Dr M. A. Dhar reiterated that denying Kashmiris the right to self-determination is a very dangerous game, particularly when the will for self-determination has only grown stronger with the passage of time.
DrDhar added that the denial of democracy and human rights in Kashmir, especially self-determination, has spawned nuclear and missile proliferation. Kashmir has been an open wound in India–Pakistan relations for more than seventy years.
The world knows that the bone of contention regarding tensions between India and Pakistan is the ongoing conflict over Kashmir. The two countries continue to have re-curring border clashes and cross border raids that threaten the safety and security not only of India and Pakistan but of Afghanistan as well, Dhar warned.
Dr Fai can be reached at gnfai2003@yahoo.com