Javeed A. Siddiqui Passes away

Javeed Azam Siddiqui, youngest of the well-known 'trio of Siddiqui brothers of Southern California for the last fifty years,passed away on April 5. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.
Javeed was the youngest son of late Mohammad Ghousuddin and late Sardar Sultana. He is survived by his wife, Rizwana Siddiqui, sons Dr Zeeshan Siddiqui and Kamran Siddiqui, and daughter Nabeeha Siddiqui. He was the brother of late Vaseem Siddiqui, late Wasif Siddiqui, late Shahana R. Ahmed, late Rukhsana Noamani and Imrana Imtiaz.
Javeed Siddiqui was an active member of the Muslim community of Southern California and rendered selfless services to the growing community following the establishment of the Islamic Society of Orange County in the late 70's. He was also a great entertainer. The community used to enjoy his beautiful, and, at times, hilarious singing on social occasions.
It is extremely sad to see the demise of the popular and respected 'trio of Siddiqui brothers' in a short span of only fifteen months. Wasif Siddiqui was the first to go on January 1, 2017 followed by Vaseem Siddiqui on February 18, 2018 and finally Javeed Siddiqui who left uson the 5th of April, 2018. May Allah SWT bless each one of the brothers with Jannat al Firdaus. Ameen. I am taking the liberty of sharing a remarkable photograph showing the three Siddiqui brothers having a great time at a happy family occasion.
Funeral prayers for Br. Javeed A. Siddiqui were held at the Islamic Society of Orange County, Garden Grove, CA, on Friday, April 6 and he was laid to rest inthe Westminster Memorial Park.
May Allah rest his departed soul in eternal peace in Jannatul Firdaus and give his family fortitude and courage to bear the loss.
- Rafique Ahmed