COPAA Organizes Impressive Annual Function
Report and pictures by Anwar Khawaja

The Council of Pakistan American Affairs (COPAA) recently held its annual fundraising function at the Long Beach Marriot. It was a well-attended event bringing the movers and shakers of the community together to show their appreciation for COPAA’s manifold initiatives and strivings.
After the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, COPAA President MrsNighatKardar addressed the gathering to highlight the Council’s efforts in promoting the rights of the Pakistani-American Community. To achieve this important objective, COPAA is building relationships with other communities and the United States Administration.
After the youth leadership and young professional presentation, the supreme sacrifice of young firefighter Cory Iverson was recognized and a check of five thousand dollars was presented to his parents.
The last event was a panel discussion on US-Pakistan relations. Michael Kugelman, David J. Karl, and RafiqDossani took part in the discussion. It was ably moderated by DrMansoor Shah, who happens to be the first President of COPAA.