Governor Brown Appoints CAIR-Sacramento Valley Director to State Census Committee

The California chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CA) is pleased to announce that BasimElkarra, the executive director at CAIR’s Sacramento Valley chapter, has been appointed to the California Complete Count Census Committee by Governor Jerry Brown, says an announcement. It adds:
The statewide panel is comprised of 25 community members tasked with guiding California's outreach for the 2020 federal census, to ensure every Californian is counted.
Elkarra has been the executive director at the CAIR-Sacramento Valley since 2004. He is a member of the Twin Rivers Unified School District Board of Trustees, chair of the City of Sacramento Community Policy Review Commission and an executive board member of the California Democratic Party.
"Californians of all faiths and backgrounds could not have a better representative on such an important committee," said HussamAyloush, the chief executive officer of CAIR-CA. " I am confident Basim will do a great job representing the interests of all Californians, particularly those in marginalized communities."