17th Book on Sadequain Published

Sadequain Foundation USA has announced the publication of its 17th book on Sadequain titled Rubaiyyat-e-SadequainKhattat, 2nd Edition. The book is a collection of Sadequain’s quatrains (rubaiyyat) first published by Sadequain in 1398 AH.
The subject of the quatrains can be summed up in Sadequain’s statement, “Suppose, I was warned to refrain from the use of brush or pen and in the event I violated this warning, I would face the wrath of whipping. In the face of this dire warning, I might be intimidated considering my own physique and the dreadful image of the executioner with a whip in his hand. But the fear would be momentary. Eventually, I would not be able to restrain myself from violating the restriction, and involuntary reach for the forbidden brush or the pen at the risk of harsh punishment. The violation would be committed in a state of dreamlike condition, part awake and part unconscious. I have survived without food for days. I have survived without sleep for many nights. But I cannot survive for a single day without indulging in my passion to work.”
The book is available at www.amazon.com, search word “sadequain” on internet link