Quaid’sBirth Anniversary Celebrations in Washington

Washington DC: The Embassy of Pakistan celebrated the 141st birth anniversary of the Quaid-i-Azamon December 28 in a befitting manner. A Cake Cutting Ceremony was held in a simple and graceful manner to celebrate the birthday of the founder of the nation.
While speaking on the occasion, Charge d' Affairs MrRizwan Saeed Sheikh paid rich tributes to Quaid-i-Azam who changed the lives of the Indian Muslims by securing a separate homeland for themselves through relentless commitment and dedication. M.A. Jinnah was a lawyer, politician and the founder of Pakistan. During his distinguished political career, Jinnah displayed exemplary statesmanship and shaped the destiny of Muslims in the Indian Subcontinent, he added.
Eminent scholar Professor Dr Akbar S. Ahmad also spoke on the life and achievements of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He talked about the Quaid's dream for Pakistan which was based on the principles of democracy, equality, brotherhood and social justice. He emphasized the need to follow the guiding principles of Muhammad Ali Jinnah for the progress and prosperity of our dear homeland.
An exhibition of historic photographs highlighting various phases of Quaid's life and critical moments of the Pakistan movement was also arranged which was widely appreciated by the guests.