Dr Habibuddin Ahmed, NotedamirKhusrau Scholar, Argonne Scientist and Community Educator, Departs

An intellectual giant, a prolific worker for the education of Muslims, a lover of Iqbal, a researcher par excellence admired by his peers in the community at Argonne Laboratories, an inspired soul who was an inspiration to many whose lives he touched, a role model with few to compare among the pioneers who made America their new home some five decades ago, departed from our midst Tuesday, July 3, in Chicago. Inna lillahiinnailaihirajioon
A life well lived, a legacy of service and a treasury of cultural knowledge left behind for generations to benefit from. He was rare, he was different, he was very special.
He came from the professions, made his mark in the field of his career choice, then embarked upon a lifelong journey to pursue a passion and a purpose that consumed him for the remaining days of his life.
That journey was hardly an easy one, but he never lost sight of his goal, never deviated from the path, never stumbled while encountering the potholes in the way. His determination and his absolute convictions, often would make others uncomfortable and difficult to keep pace with him. He was driven, one could say. That is indeed the stuff from which legacies are made. He left one for us all to benefit from and perchance rise above our trivial life pursuits to emulate and follow our own dreams someday.
I was blessed to have known him for a good part of my life, our paths would cross many times from the days in India to the years in America. Our passions were same, our endeavors were different. He was a quiet presence, he was an understanding nod, he was an approving smile, in the encounters of my life's work. He was indeed very special. I will miss him a lot. Those who knew him and admired him for the unusual person that he was, will I know, miss him a lot too.
May Allah grant him a place in heaven and give his family and his loved ones, patience to bear his loss.
- AzherQuader